In 2012 he released the single „Decisions”, with back-up vocals provided by Miley Cyrus. He has released tracks under Dim Mak Records, Spinnin’ Records, Sumerian Records, Shift Recordings and also his own label Buygore. Some songs have been compared to horror movies, farm animals, and sex. Self-described as „Gorestep”, his music incorporates triplet drum patterns with heavy metal influences. He is also part of the dubstep duo Alphamale Primates, which consists of him and Tomba. When I first heard this Gorillaz track back in 2001ish, it totally blew me away because it was such a meshing of different styles. He is the founder of Buygore Records and former drummer of Israeli deathcore band Shabira. Here’s a brand new drumstep remix in support of my upcoming EP, Ride With Me, out April 3rd on MalLabel. Yosef Asaf Borger was born in Holon and raised in Tel Aviv, Israel. He is the founder of the label Buygore Records. "Please Mr.Yosef Asaf Borger (Hebrew: יוסף אסף בורגר born October 20, 1987), known professionally as Borgore, is an Israeli EDM producer, DJ, singer-songwriter and rapper. "Sexy and I Know It" (Borgore and Tomba Remix) "The Final Episode (Let’s Change The Channel)" (Borgore’s Die Bitch Remix) "Clint Eastwood" (Borgore's Drinking is Bad Bootleg Remix) július 7-én a 10th Anniversary Camp Bisco Music Festival-on, New York-ban. ĭiszkográfia Kiadványok Évīirthday and the Black November / Ambient Dub Shit Első albuma Július 8-án jelent meg és a #NEWGOREORDER nevet viseli. A Buygore Records jelenleg a következő előadókkal dolgozik: ak9, Ash Riser, BARE, DUELLE, KAYZO, Ookay, Kennedy Jones, Sikdope. Saját lemezkiadója, a Buygore Records olyan előadókat tettek híressé, mint a Document One, Marco Del Horno, de még Rusko néhány dalát is ő adta ki. 2012-ben jelent meg Decisions című dala, Miley Cyrus háttérvokáljával.

Zenéit a Spinnin' Records, Sumerian Records, Buygore Records és a Dim Mak Records kiadók publikálják.

It is also the 16th and a bonus hidden track on most releases of Gorillaz' debut album Gorillaz. You can buy Album The Rare Collection (2001-2011) 2011 - Gorillaz. Néhány dala horrorfilmekhez, tanyasi állatokhoz és szexhez hasonlíthatóak. Clint Eastwood (Ed Case Refix) (Edit), also known as 'Clint Eastwood (Ed Case & Sweetie Irie Refix) (Edit)' or 'Ed Case/Sweetie Irie Remix Edit', is the edited and shorter version of the Ed Case Refix of the Gorillaz single Clint Eastwood, by DJ Ed Case featuring Sweetie Irie. Egyedi stílusát gorestep-nek titulálva zenéje egyesíti a tripla dobmintákat heavy metal hatásokkal. Biography Yosef Asaf Borger was born in Holon and raised in Tel Aviv, Israel.

Tagja az Alphamale Primates duónak, amit Tomba-val együtt alkotnak. Yosef Asaf Borger (Hebrew: born October 20, 1987), known professionally as Borgore, is an Israeli EDM producer, DJ, singer-songwriter and rapper. A Buygore Records alapítója, valamint az egykori izraeli death metal banda, a Shabira dobosa. október 20.–), művésznevén Borgore, egy izraeli EDM producer Énekes és DJ. A Wikimédia Commons tartalmaz Borgore témájú médiaállományokat.Īsaf Borger ( héberül: אסף בורגר született Tel-Aviv, 1987.